• Mon-Sat: 09:00 - 20:00
  • Sun: 10:00 - 19:00


1.1. Welcome to https://zeus-barbershop.com/ (the “Website” or the “Site”), which is owned and operated by “ZEVSKLAB” EOOD and is accessible worldwide.

1.2. By using this Website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and agree to these terms of use. Please read these terms carefully before using this Website, and if you have any questions, contact us at:
+359 877377444 (Varna, 22 Han Omurtag St.)
+359 877377255 (Varna, 36 Dimitar Ikonomov St.)

1.3. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you should not use this Website.


2.1. These Terms and Conditions are designed to regulate the relationship between “ZEVSKLAB” EOOD, registered in the Commercial Register of the Bulgarian Registry Agency under UIC: 206778234, with its headquarters and address at: Varna, Saltanat Area 456, contact number:
+359 877377444 (Varna, 22 Han Omurtag St.)
and website: https://zeus-barbershop.com/, hereinafter referred to as the “Provider,” and the users of the website, hereinafter referred to as “User(s),” regarding the use of the Website. Additional documents governing the relationship between the Provider and Users include the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.

2.2. These Terms come into effect the first time a User accesses the Website and apply to every visit and use of the Website until the use of the Website is discontinued. Users agree to use the Website and all content therein legally, in accordance with the terms set out here and for the intended purpose.


3.1. For the purposes of these Terms:

3.1.1. “Provider” refers to ZEVSKLAB EOOD.

3.1.2. “User(s)” refers to:

  • visitors of the website https://zeus-barbershop.com/;
  • individuals who have requested a service from the Provider’s website.

3.2. These Terms provide Users with information regarding:

  • Identification of the Provider;
  • Scope of the Terms;
  • Features of the Website;
  • Service request procedures;
  • Pricing and payment methods;
  • Withdrawal from the contract;
  • Force majeure;
  • Rights and obligations of Users;
  • Rights and obligations of the Provider;
  • Personal data processing;
  • Disclaimer of liability;
  • Links to third-party sites;
  • Intellectual property rights;
  • Final provisions.


4.1. Provider Name: “ZEVSKLAB” EOOD

4.2. Headquarters and address: Varna, Saltanat Area 456

4.3. Contact details: Phone:
+359 877377444 (Varna, 22 Han Omurtag St.)

4.4. Registration details: ZEVSKLAB EOOD is a company registered in the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency under UIC: 206778234. The company is VAT registered.


5.1. Personal Data Protection Commission
Address: Sofia, 2 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.,
Phone: 02/91-53-519
Fax: 02/91-53-525
Email: kzld@government.bg, kzld@cpdp.bg
Website: www.cpdp.bg

5.2. Consumer Protection Commission
Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveykov Square, 3rd, 4th, and 6th floors,
Phone: 02/933 0565
Fax: 02/988 42 18
Hotline: 0700 111 22
Email: info@kzp.bg
Website: www.kzp.bg


6.1. The Provider has created the website https://zeus-barbershop.com/, which contains detailed information about the services offered to Users.

6.2. The Provider supplies, and the User agrees to use, the Website in accordance with the conditions described in these Terms.

6.3. In its professional activities, the Provider fully guarantees the rights provided by law for Users, with goodwill and established best practices as guiding principles.


7.1. The Website is an online platform for providing and booking barbering services. It is designed to inform Users about services offered by the Provider and to facilitate contact with the Provider if the User wishes to request any of the services listed on the Website.

7.2. The main features of the services offered are specified individually in the profile of each selected service.

7.3. The Website includes comprehensive information about:

  • Provider details;
  • All types of services offered to Users;
  • Contact information for the Provider.

7.4. Users can use the following services on the Website:

  • View Website content;
  • Request the services offered by the Provider remotely via the Website.

7.5. The Provider offers remote booking for services listed on the Website.

7.6. The Provider provides detailed information to Users for each service listed on the Website.


8.1. No registration is required to view the Website. Service requests on the Website are accepted 24/7.

8.2. Users can make a service reservation on the Provider’s website in five ways:
1) By clicking the “Make a Reservation” button on the home page;
2) After selecting a service from the “Services” dropdown menu, by clicking the “Book Now” button;
3) By clicking the “Book Now” button at the bottom of the “Services” page;
4) By selecting the “Reservation” option from the dropdown menu;
5) By clicking the “Online Booking” button on any loaded page of the Website.

Once a User selects any of these options, they are directed to a secure reservation form where they must enter their name, contact phone number, email, the barber selected to perform the service, as well as the desired date and time. After verifying that the information is correct, the User should click the “Book Appointment” button.


9.1. Prices for services offered on the Website are in Bulgarian Lev (BGN). The listed prices are for a single unit of service.

9.2. Payment for services can be made via:

  • Card payment;
  • Cash payment.

If paying by card, if the card’s currency differs from that of the payment, the payment amount will be calculated based on the current exchange rate provided by the card issuer on the day of the transaction.

10. Card Payment via Virtual POS

10.1. On our website www.zeus-barbershop.com, operated by “ZEVSKLAB” EOOD, you may pay with a debit, credit, or business card branded with Visa or MasterCard via the virtual POS of our servicing bank, DSK AD, part of OTP Group.

10.2. Card payments are made by generating a unique link for your (reservation, order, subscription, course, etc.), which we send to you via email or SMS. After receiving the link, you need to click on it to open the bank’s payment page.

10.3. Payment security is ensured through the international card organizations’ (ICO) security programs: MasterCard Identity Check and VISA Secure.

10.4. When paying by card via the virtual POS at DSK Bank, you will need to enter the card number, expiry date, and CVV/CVC. If your card is enrolled in the ICO security programs MasterCard Identity Check or VISA Secure, you will also need to enter a 3-D password.

10.5. We at www.zeus-barbershop.com, operated by “ZEVSKLAB” EOOD, do not collect, process, or store card data. All card details are entered by you on a secure payment page.

10.6 Regardless of the currency of your bank account, the transaction will be processed in Bulgarian lev according to the current exchange rate of your bank. All prices are final and include VAT.

10.7 In cases where a refund is required, whether full or partial, and the payment was made by card, we will process the refund by initiating a reversal on the card used for payment within 14 days.

10.8 For security reasons, the maximum amount allowed for card payments is 1000 BGN.

    11.1 The User has the right to cancel the requested service no later than the day before the scheduled date of service provision. If the User wishes to cancel the requested service, they must notify the Provider within the specified period in the previous sentence by calling: +359 877377444 (Varna, 22 Han Omurtag Street).

11.2 The User does not have the right to cancel the requested service if the service provision has begun or is fully completed, provided that the performance began with the User’s express prior consent and acknowledgment that they understand they will lose the right to cancel once the service is fully provided by the Provider. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the User gives consent and confirms their understanding that they will lose the right to cancel once the contract is fully performed by the Provider or once service provision has commenced.

    12.1 The Provider shall not be liable to the User for full or partial non-performance if it is due to “force majeure.” “Force majeure” is understood as an extraordinary circumstance (event) arising after the contract’s conclusion, which could not have been foreseen and is beyond the parties’ control, such as: fire, industrial accidents, military actions, natural disasters—storms, heavy rains, floods, hail, earthquakes, icing, drought, landslides, etc., embargo, government bans, strikes, riots, disturbances, and others.
    13.1 The User agrees to use the website and its functionalities lawfully and in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

13.2 The User has the right to view the content on the website.

13.3 The User has the right to contact the Provider through this website.

13.4 The User has the right to request services offered by the Provider on the website.

13.5 The User does not have the right to modify, copy, alter, duplicate, create derivative or adapted works, or parts of the website.

13.6 The User may not share any content, information, know-how, or technology obtained from the website, either partially or entirely, for commercial or non-commercial purposes with third parties in any form.

13.7 The User may not upload, transmit, or otherwise formulate computer viruses or similar items.

13.8 The User may not disable and/or disrupt the full or partial functionality of the website, nor interfere with the services offered on the website.

13.9 The User may not generate excessive traffic on the website or overload the website’s traffic.

13.10 The User may not disrupt the operation of networks or servers connected to the services, nor hinder the provision of the services.

13.11 The User may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the website or to servers maintained and owned by the Provider.

13.12 The User may not use the Provider’s trademark. The User is responsible for all actions taken in connection with the use of the website.

13.13 The User may not send “spam,” “junk mail,” “chain letters,” or any other unsolicited commercial communications.

    14.1 The Provider has the right to make changes to the website at any time at its discretion, without obligation to notify, and without liability for such changes.

14.2 The Provider has the right to update, modify, expand, add, supplement, or remove services on the website at any time.

14.3 The Provider has the right to make changes to the description and prices of the services offered on the website at any time.

14.4 The Provider has the right to temporarily suspend, deny, or terminate the provision of a service in case of violation and/or suspicion of violation of these Terms and Conditions, or in cases of unfair conduct and/or suspicion of unfair conduct by the User.

    15.1 The Provider collects and processes personal data of Users, applying all data protection standards in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. The Provider respects the privacy of Users and makes every effort to protect their personal data from unlawful processing through technical and organizational measures that comply with current technological advancements and ensure a level of protection appropriate to the processing risks and nature of the data to be protected. Detailed information on the personal data processed by the Provider, the purposes of processing, the data retention period, as well as other information in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, is available in the Privacy Policy published on the Provider’s website.
    16.1 The Provider makes no guarantees that the website and the services offered on it will be available at all times and from all locations. The Provider does not guarantee that the website will remain unchanged and be maintained indefinitely.

16.2 The information on this website may contain errors or inaccuracies, although the Provider strives to keep the information up to date. The Provider makes every effort to provide continuous access to the website for Users, maintaining the website and services with due diligence to serve Users conscientiously. The Provider has the right to make changes and improvements to the website at any time without notice. The Provider is not liable for damages and losses incurred by Users as a result of using this website and the information on it.

16.3 Responsibility for using this website lies entirely with the User, who operates and uses its capabilities. The Provider is not liable for potential damages or unfavorable consequences related to the use of this website, including any material damage to the User’s respective technical device.

16.4 The Provider is not liable for actions taken by Users in violation of these Terms and Conditions. The Provider is not responsible for damages caused by inaccurate, misleading, or incorrect information provided by Users on the website.

16.5 The Provider is not liable for damages resulting from user errors, computer viruses, omissions, interruptions, or issues with the system that supports the integrity and structure of this website.

16.6 The Provider does not guarantee that the content published on the website will meet Users’ expectations.

    17.1 The Provider adheres to the highest standards of service to Users and their interests.

17.2 According to paragraph 1 of this section, disputes regarding any online order will be settled through the European online dispute resolution platform, available at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=BG.

17.3 The online dispute resolution platform aims to resolve disputes regarding online orders without resorting to court proceedings, facilitating communication between the Provider and the respective User and helping maintain good future relationships.

17.4. On the online dispute resolution platform, only independent bodies approved based on quality standards regarding accessibility, fairness, and efficiency will assist in resolving any arising disputes.

17.5. Additionally, disputes may be referred to the conciliation commissions of the Consumer Protection Commission, which serve as alternative dispute resolution bodies.

18.1. The Provider’s website contains links to websites maintained by third parties (“Third-Party Sites”), such as the “Facebook” button, “YouTube” button, and “Instagram” button. All Third-Party Sites accessible through this website are independent, and the Provider assumes no responsibility for damages and losses incurred by Users due to using these sites. The Provider is not liable for the content on third-party sites or for the presence of viruses and/or other harmful components on those sites.

19.1. The entire content of the website, including but not limited to all published texts, computer programs, databases, trademarks, and any information uploaded to the site (except for the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy), is the exclusive property of the Provider. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, provided to the Provider, are the exclusive property of the entity with whom the Provider has concluded the respective agreement. The use of the Provider’s trademark without permission constitutes a legal violation.

19.2. Users may use the Provider’s website content solely for personal, non-commercial purposes to properly utilize the website, anywhere worldwide.

19.3. Any commercial use of the website’s content (copying, modifying, downloading, selling, reproducing, distributing, publishing, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Users assume full responsibility for using the website’s content in violation of the Provider’s rights, with the Provider being entitled to full compensation for damages caused by the User.

19.4. Access to the website and the services provided on the website should not be interpreted as a free grant of licenses or intellectual property rights.

19.5. Reproduction of the website’s content or any part thereof requires prior written consent from the Provider.

19.6. Extracting information from the database resources on the Provider’s website to create a separate database in electronic or other form will be considered a violation.

20.1. All communications and notifications between the Provider and the User will be in Bulgarian and will be deemed valid if sent in writing.

20.2. The potential invalidity of any provision of these Terms will not invalidate the Terms as a whole.

20.3. For all matters not covered in these Terms, the applicable legislation will apply.

20.4. All disputes between the Provider and the User will be resolved amicably through negotiations between the parties. If an agreement cannot be reached, the dispute will be resolved via the European platform for online dispute resolution (https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=BG) or through the conciliation commissions of the Consumer Protection Commission, which serve as alternative dispute resolution bodies or the competent court.

20.5. The Provider reserves the right to update, amend, and supplement these Terms at any future time. When this occurs, the revised Terms will be published on this website with a new “Last Updated” date at the top and will take effect upon publication. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check these Terms to stay informed of any changes. By using the website after the updated Terms are published, you agree to the changes.

20.6. If you have additional questions regarding these Terms, please do not hesitate to contact the Provider at:
+359 877377444 (Varna, Khan Omurtag St. 22)